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House Extensions Solihull

Highly Experienced Builders in Solihull

Are you ready to extend your home? To discuss your options, get in touch with our highly knowledgeable builders in Solihull today. Simply send us an email at info@allforproperty.com or call 0121 405 0404 and we'll be happy to discuss your requirements.

House Extensions in Solihull

At AllForProperty Limited, we specialise in creating custom home extensions.

House extensions in Solihull can be a great way to enhance your living space and property value. However, it's essential to approach the project with careful planning, adherence to regulations, and the help of experienced professionals to ensure a successful outcome.

 Our builders will be there to guide you throughout the entire process, from design, and build to final checks. If you would like to browse through our previous projects, simply head over to our gallery page

Benefits of House Extensions 

A great way to enhance your living space without the inconvenience of moving is through house extensions. Here are a few advantages:

Extra Room for Family

When a family needs more room but can't afford to relocate and move to a bigger house, they can opt for a house addition instead. Your home can be modified to include a home office, an expanded kitchen, more living space, or even more bedrooms.

Increased Value of the Home

The return on investment from a home addition project can be substantial. This improvement boosts your quality of life and also provides you with a financial advantage in the long run.


Adding on to your home is a great way to make it more suitable to your needs, wants, and preferences. It's up to you to decide what kind of extension you want to make, whether it has a modern, minimalist design or a more classic look.


Instead of spending a lot of money on a new, bigger house, you can save money by extending your current one. You have complete creative and financial freedom to plan and execute the project as you see fit.

What to consider before getting house extensions Solihull 

Construction Permit

Checking if you need planning approval for your house extension should be your first step before beginning construction. Permitted development rights may apply in some circumstances for smaller additions, but planning permission for larger or more sophisticated projects is required. To make sure your project is legal, you should always check with the local planning department or hire an expert builder to guide you through the process.


Establish a spending limit for the new room in the house. Include everything from the initial investment through the final bill for the project, including building, design, and planning fees. Keep some money in reserve to cover any unforeseen expenses that may crop up during the process.


It is essential to hire competent builders in Solihull. Get price estimates from top-rated companies and verify that they have the appropriate background for the job by looking into their references, credentials, and past work.

Materials and Design

Think carefully about the materials and layout of your addition. It must blend well with the style of the surrounding homes and the community. Careful consideration must be given to the selection of roofing materials, windows, and exterior treatments.

Why Choose Us for House Extensions in Solihull

Proven Expertise

Our staff at AllForProperty Limited provides a wealth of building industry experience and proven competence to every house extension projects in Solihull. We stand out as a dependable option for homeowners looking for reputable and skilled builders because of our dedication to fine craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail.

Customised Solutions

We believe that every home is different, and this is reflected in the way we handle house extensions. Our talented builders work closely with you to completely understand their goals, tastes, and practical requirements. Through this collaborative process, we can offer tailored solutions that maximise space, improve aesthetics, and complement each homeowner's unique style.

Quality Materials 

We think that using high-quality materials is the cornerstone of a well-executed home addition. Our selection of premium materials from reliable vendors demonstrates our dedication to excellence.

Transparent Process

The foundation of our service is transparency. We keep lines of communication open with our customers throughout the entire project, from the first consultation to its completion. We provide monthly updates on the status of the house addition, comprehensive project plans, and cost breakdowns as part of our open and honest process. 

Highly Rated

Reviews and testimonials from our customers bear witness to our commitment to excellence in customer service. You can also browse through our work by heading over to our gallery page.

FAQs About House Extensions in Solihull

Do I Need Planning Permission for a House Extension in Solihull?

The need for planning permission depends on various factors, including the size and type of the proposed extension. Our team can assess your specific case and guide you through the planning permission process.

How Long Does a Typical House Extension Take to Complete?

The duration of a house extension varies based on factors such as the complexity of the project and the size of the extension. Our team provides realistic timelines during the initial consultation, keeping you informed at every stage.

Can You Help with Design Ideas for My House Extension?

Absolutely. Our team includes experienced designers who can collaborate with you to create design concepts that align with your vision. We consider your preferences, lifestyle needs, and the existing architectural style of your home.

What Types of House Extensions Do You Offer in Solihull?

We offer a range of house extensions, including single-story extensions, double-story extensions, kitchen extensions, and more. Our goal is to tailor the extension to your specific requirements and enhance both functionality and aesthetics.

How Do I Get Started with a House Extension Project?

To begin your house extension journey, simply contact us for an initial consultation. We'll discuss your ideas, assess the feasibility of the project, and provide you with a detailed plan, including cost estimates and timelines. 

Ready to get in touch?

Are you prepared to start your home extension journey? For a free quote, call us on 0121 405 0404 and we'll be happy to help.

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